Thursday, March 27, 2014

To Whom It May Concern

To you who saw me struggling,
you who offered me
a "safe" place to stay
and get help;

To you who really did help
in the beginning,
you who listened and
became a trusted friend;

To you who betrayed my trust,
you who seized my freedom
and stole
my personal treasures;

To you who said one thing
then did another,
you who never tried
to understand;

To you who stood and watched
as I drowned in my tears,
you who tauntingly asked,
"why are you crying?";

To you who pushed me
to cut myself for the first time,
to slice my skin open
just to feel in control;

To you who punished me
for not believing in your god,
for trying to find
my own path;

To you who deceived,
you who tried to keep
the school from recognizing
my hard work;

To you who sinned,
you who kicked me out
the night before
I graduated with honors;

To you who had the audacity
to invite me over
for dinner
that very same night;

To you who puts on a facade,
you who acts like
the crimes you committed
never happened;

To you who sent me a self-righteous letter,
"I see your pain and
am willing to help when
you are no longer afraid";

To you who refuses to acknowledge
that you are the source
of all the pain I feel,
of all the nightmares;

To you who broke me
and stepped on all the pieces;
you who I will never forgive
and never forget;

To you who will no longer
plague my thoughts,
you who I now laugh at
for being so ignorant;

To you who will watch,
as I triumph over this
and snatch back my power;

Fuck you.